Kumpulan SMS, status facebook, Twitter dan BBM Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris untuk pacar dan sahabat - Karena bahasa inggris sering kali digunakan dan dipilih untuk mengungkapkan hal yang bersifat romantis dan penuh makna. Maka tak salah rasanya jika mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun pun dalam bahasa inggris.
SMS Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun dalam Bahasa Inggris
Berikut ini adalah update terkini dan terlengkap dari lebah ndut tentang kumpulan ucapan selamat ulang tahun versi bahasa inggris yang dapat Anda kirimkan kepada teman, pacar, sahabat dan kekasih hati melalui sms, twitter, bbm dan juga facebook.
A smile is a curve that
sets everything straight
and wipes wrinkle away
hope u share a lots and
receive a lots for days to come
happy birthday....
I’m so blessed to have a friend like u
This comes with many
Loving thoughts & warm wishes
I send to u,
May ur day be filled with laughter
On this ur special day & may the finest things
In life always come
Ur way happy birthday!
Lovely message for a Lovely Person
from Lovely Friend
For a Lovely Reason
at a Lovely Time
from a Lovely Mind
in a Lovely Mood
in a Lovely Style
to wish you
Have a Lovely "BirthDay"
u r so beautiful my love 4u will always be true,
here’s a wish for my darling...
may all your dreams come true
i wish u a very happy birthday.
with lots of love and kisses...
from a heart that beats...
just 4 you by me.
Its a nice feeling when you know
that someone likes you,
someone thinks about you,
someone needs you;
but it feels much better when
you know that someone
never ever forgets your birthday.
It must have been a rainy day
when you were born,
but it wasn’t really rain,
the sky was crying because
it lost his most beautiful angel...
happy birthday dear friend
Itulah beberapa contoh ucapan met ultah happy birthday dalam bahasa inggris untuk teman atau pun pacar.